Monday, December 29, 2008


I got myself involved in a program at school called Conversation Partners. You help esl speakers by talking with them and correcting their mistakes. My first partner was Andrea. She is from Brazil and is has a lot to learn about English. She liked they way I conversed with her and told her friend about me. Her friend Andrea #2 also from Brazil asked me if I could help her as well.

Andrea #2 has provided me with some great episodes along the way. When I asked her what she liked best about Brazil she responded the food and the "bitches". I told her that she probably meant to say beaches. She said said I do not understand what is the difference between bitches and beaches. I explained that there's actually quite a big difference.

The program supplied us with movie tickets. We decided on Yes Man with Jim Carrey. Andrea #2 explained that comedies are easier to understand. I sat with Andrea#1 to my left and Andrea #2 to my right. In one scene Jim Carey is at work and an ad for a penis enlargement flashes across the screen. Of course he has to say "Yes I'd like a penis enlargement." Then Andrea #2 leans over and without whispering she asks "What is a penis?" I'm slightly in shock and I do not know what to say. Briefly I think maybe I will just point at my crotch. Luckily Andrea #1 had just learned this word a week earlier. She saves the day and explains to Andrea #2 in Portuguese.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike! Have been a lot of fun our meetings!! I think I let you embarassed with my questions hahahahaha Thank you for help us always!! I'll miss your help when I leave...
